Monday, October 19, 2015

Death of a love one

Death it comes and goes. Once a love one past away you find yourself loss, confuse, in a daze, head so cloudy you can't think straight, and just lost in the world. On September 4, 2015 my father lost his battle with cancer. For eleven years I had the honor of taken care of my father. Never in my wildest dreams I would of though the title care-taker would be on my resume. Not that I am not a care-taker naturally. When it comes to your parents their the strong ones. Your parents are the one who holds you down when in need. It's amazing how life comes full circle, its start with your parents taken-care of you, then you taken-care of your parents... How God created his world is unbelievable. Death can take you on emotional ride. Has your emotions running wild from day to day. Remember death comes and goes...

Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. ~Matthew 6:34~

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